Trend Report

Weekly Trends For You

Each week we post current produce trends to keep you up-to-date on production and seasonal conditions as well as current commodity availability.

Produce Trends - Oct 24, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Oct 24, 2022 10:00:56 AM


Overall, the apple market is tight and peaking on larger size and higher grade fruit. You can expect small and off-grade fruits to be on the tighter side for the remainder of the season. Fuji supply should improve as new crop harvests continue, while Gala apples supply is solid. You can find options on the Marketplace out of California, Michigan, and Washington now. See Apple availability.


Celery supply and quality are good, with light production out of Salinas and stronger supply out of Oxnard and Santa Maria, CA. However, there are some supply challenges in the growing regions outside California, putting more pressure on California availability and driving prices up.  See Celery availability.

summer squash

The squash market is steady overall this week. On the West Coast, availability out of Nogales is increasing, while Baja and California squash are both finishing up. East coast supply is light out of Georgia and South Carolina due to cold temperatures. This has led to demand outweighing supply, increased pricing, and buyers looking to the West Coast to fill their needs. See Summer Squash availability.

Tags: celery, apple, summer squash

Produce Trends - Oct 3, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Oct 3, 2022 1:00:00 AM


The Cauliflower market is rising quickly due to tight supplies. Last week’s heat wave caused limited supply, and prices increased 36% from the previous week to a 10-year high! Pending more extreme weather, the market should hold steady going forward. Quality and sizing are mixed. See Cauliflower availability.

Summer Squash

Pear supply out of Washington is strong, while California is nearly finished for the season. So far, quality is high out of Washington with the majority of product packing out as #1. Pricing is steady. You can find organic Bartletts posted on the Marketplace now. See Summer Squash availability.


Lemon markets are up this week, with light supplies due to growing area transitions and high temperatures. Quality and volume will improve as the new crop gets started this week and production begins to ramp up. Currently, supply is peaking on choice grade 200 and 235cts. See Lemon availability.

Tags: lemon, cauliflower, summer squash

Produce Trends - Sept 12, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Sep 12, 2022 9:58:50 AM

Summer squash

This week, supplies are on the lighter side for zucchini and yellow squash on both coasts. California is transitioning growing regions, and Nogales is still a few weeks away from strong production. Extreme heat is also affecting quality and availability in the West. Supply is mixed on the East Coast but expected to improve in the coming weeks, with availability out of South Carolina, Georgia, and Michigan. See Summer Squash availability.


Orange markets are high this week, with an especially tight supply of smaller fruits. California Valencia suppliers are limiting harvests to stretch the season through October. Quality is fair, but high temperatures are putting some stress and weakening the California fruits. See Orange availability.


Green and Red bells out of San Joaquin Valley, California, are steady with moderate supply and good demand. However, the recent heat wave in California is starting to affect the harvest. There may be some quality issues with softness due to this heat wave that we will experience later in October. Bell pepper supplies on the East Coast are light. See Bell Pepper availability.

Tags: orange, bell pepper, summer squash

Produce Trends - August 29, 2022

Posted by Full Harvest on Aug 29, 2022 1:00:00 AM


Overall, cucumbers are showing steady supply and demand on both coasts. However, recent rainy weather on the East Coast is affecting supply and quality. Prices are up on the West Coast due to strong demand. Supply should increase over the next few weeks and bring down the market. Cucumber supplies out of Baja and Mexico are tight. See Cucumber availability.


Pears out of Washington are steady in demand and volume, with Bartletts just getting started and Anjou Pears now finished. As Washington volume picks up over the next few weeks, you can expect prices to come down. California pears are still available, and you can find organic Bartletts posted on the Marketplace now. See Pear availability.


The squash market is up with light supplies on both coasts this week. On the East Coast, the weather is affecting availability and quality, leading to higher pricing and a tight market. Western supplies are also being affected by heat in the Santa Maria region. Zucchini on the west coast will continue to be short until Central CA starts in the next week or two. Yellow Squash is also tight, but less so than zucchini on the West Coast. See Summer Squash availability.

Tags: cucumber, summer squash, pear

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