Produce Trends - Nov 7, 2022

Full Harvest November 7, 2022


Celery supplies are somewhat light, causing a stronger market. Most supply is out of Southern California, while Salinas is finishing up at this time. Larger sizing has the highest availability, and quality is above average. With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, some suppliers expect supplies to tighten further over the coming weeks. See Celery availability.


The cauliflower market is very tight with limited supplies from Salinas and Santa Maria. Demand remains high, resulting in high pricing at this time. Quality is fair with some discoloration and smaller sizing. Recent cooler weather has resulted in lower yields. Supply is expected to remain tight throughout the week.  See Cauliflower availability.


The Orange market is steady this week overall. Domestic Navels out of California are the main variety. 88ct and larger fruits are tight as the season begins, while 113-138 ct smaller fruits are peaking. Demand, supply, and quality are all good at this time. See Orange availability.