Produce Trends - November 15, 2021

Full Harvest November 15, 2021


We are seeing limited volume on fancy and juice grade oranges out of Mexico, but availability should improve towards the end of the month as we enter into peak season. California Navels are high in quality (lots of fancy grade), with little choice and juice grade supply available. Supply should increase in 2-3 weeks or so. California Valencias are close to finished at this time, but please reach out if you are in need. See orange availability.


The majority of cucumber supply right now is coming out of Nogales, AZ and McAllen, TX. In the Southeast, Georgia is winding down, and Central Florida is just getting started. Availability could lower later into the winter, so we recommend taking advantage of solid pricing and high volumes now. See cucumber availability.


District 3 (Coachella & Mesa, California) is fully online and shipping new-crop lemons out of Riverside. Quality is really good on fancy and juice grade. Suppliers in the desert & Yuma region should start harvesting soon, although later than expected due to rain. Mexican growers are finishing up harvests in the next week. Expect the Mexican season to fully end after Thanksgiving, causing California prices to increase. You can find great pricing for juicer lemon on the Marketplace now. See lemon availability.